2018 IFX EXPO于1月23-25日在香港会议展览中心(HKCEC)举行
酷汇讯 | 12-04 11:03

The iFX EXPO Asia 2018, will take place in Hong Kong from the 23rd to the 25th January 2018 at the HKCEC (Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre).

2018年亚洲交易峰会(The iFX EXPO Asia)将于1月23-25日在香港会议展览中心(HKCEC)举行。

This event produced by CONVERSION PROS and Finance Magnates is focused on the online Finance industry, from Forex to Cryptocurrencies and everything in between, with the aim of connecting leading technology, liquidity and other service providers with forex, cryptocurrency & binary brokerages, banks, affiliates, introducing brokers and white label partners.

本次展会由新闻出版社汇亨中文网Forex Magnates和专业网络营销咨询公司CONVERSION PROS联合主办,零售交易和二元期权的业内人士将与技术和流动性供应商、交易、二元经纪商、银行、加盟商、IB、和白标合作伙伴齐聚一堂,共襄盛举。

 This event holds special significance, according to Gal Ron, CEO of CONVERSION PROS:

对即将到来的2018年iFX EXPO Asia, CONVERSION PROS的首席执行官Gal Ron先生表示:

 “It is with great pleasure that we announce the official launch of iFX EXPO Asia 2018. Since 2012, over 30,000 attendees and over 1,000 exhibitors have stepped foot on our exhibition floor. This will be our 12th show to date and we expect to showcase this steady growth as we present an expanded floor plan with more exhibitor and sponsor areas tailored to the needs of our attendees. We are also placing special focus on Crypto as well as Peer to Peer lending as we are sure that this is part of the future of the online trading industry. We look forward to welcoming hundreds of key industry players from the Asian market as well as from the rest of the globe.”

 我们非常荣幸能够于香港举办2018年度亚洲交易峰会(iFX EXPO Asia)。自2012年以来,已有超过3万名观众和1,000多家展商参与iFX EXPO Asis。截至到2018年,iFX EXPO已走过十二载春秋,我们希望亚洲交易峰会能够迈着稳健的步伐,不断扩大展位计划,为更多展商和赞助商提供优质交流平台。今年,iFX EXPO也特别关注加密货币以及P2P借贷领域的发展。因为我们相信,互联网在线交易将成为未来行业重要的组成部分。期待着与您的相会。”

 Hong Kong has long been an Asian financial powerhouse and it accommodates numerous, well-established financial services firms. Asia is the world’s most populous continent, and it has served as a major arena for FX and CFD trading. With a crowded European marketplace, financial brokerages around the world view the Asian market as necessary to growth and are keen to explore new opportunities in this region.

长期以来,香港都是亚洲金融中心,许多优质金融服务公司都扎根于此。 亚洲是世界上人口最多的地区,近年来已逐渐成为交易和差价合约交易的主要舞台。 面临着欧洲市场逐渐饱和,世界各地的金融机构一致认为,亚洲市场是一个金融企业未来增长的关键因素,纷纷将重心转移到亚洲,寻求新的发展机遇。

One of the key highlights of the iFX EXPO are the dedicated speaking panels & workshops that cover a number of topics. For firms who are already established or for those who are interested in starting up a Forex /CFD or Crypto solution, they will find the latest knowledge and know-how from industry experts including turnkey set up; regulatory requirements, company formation, technology, risk management, staff and marketing expertise. Special focus will be given to cryptocurrencies and Asian FX industry as well. 

iFX EXPO的最大亮点是设置了专门讲座和学习班,涵盖不同主题。 对于已经成立的或有兴趣启动交易CFDs交易或加密货币解决方案的公司,通过iFX EXPO,将可以从行业专家那里获得最新的知识和技术策略,包括计划启动; 监管要求,公司组建,相关技术,风险管理,员工和营销专业知识等。


To take advantage of the sponsorship and exhibition opportunities that are still available, and for more information on attending visit www.ifxexpo.com or contact


有关展商报名或赞助商合作事宜,详情请浏览www.ifxexpo.com 或发邮件至sales@ifxexpo.com