Halifax最新FAQ: 这类投资者不能提出索赔!
酷汇讯 | 02-18 13:39

2019年2月15日,Halifax澳大利亚母公司Halifax Investment Services Pty Ltd更新了FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions)内容,增加了一条问答,即:IB(介绍经纪商)投资者可否根据证券投资者保护公司(SIPC)政策提出赔偿?


Q: Are IB investors able to claim under the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) policy?


A: We have recently received advice from our solicitors which indicates that IB investors are unfortunately unable to claim coverage under the SIPC policy.


A: By way of explanation, SIPC is not an insurance company. Rather, SIPC is a US federally mandated corporation which assists to protect and provide coverage to customers on their brokerage accounts, in circumstances where their brokerage firm (who is a SIPC member broker-dealer) becomes insolvent. That is, SIPC will assist where a “member broker-dealer” enters external administration.


A: Interactive Brokers LLC and Halifax America LLC are SIPC members. However, these entities are not subject to the Voluntary Administration.

Interactive Brokers LLC和Halifax America LLC是SIPC的成员。但是,这些实体不受自愿管理影响。

A: Unfortunately, Halifax is not an SIPC member and as a result, investors of Halifax cannot claim under the SIPC policy.
